Tomorrow we are having a volunteer breakfast to honor all of the volunteers that help make MLA the success story that it is. God blesses us with our wonderful teachers, but the teachers cannot do it all. There simply isn’t enough time in the day for our teachers to provide the many extras for our children, and they depend heavily on good, solid Christian volunteers to fill in that gap, to make sure the education provided at MLA is well rounded, giving as many opportunities for the children as we can. For example, where would we be without:

…our librarians

…our room parents

…parents who help with parties, activities, and snacks

…TEAM and its financial support for activities

…lunch servers



…Association Churches

…members of the Executive Council

…”recycle” person

…field trip drivers

…teachers who “volunteer” hours and hours past the 40 hour week

…our sport fans who cheer us on

…concession workers

…score table volunteers

…summer volunteers who help with yearly cleanup and beautification

…auction “leaders” (the auction requires MANY volunteers!)

…and on and on and on

I know I’ve written about this before, but it only goes to emphasize that we NEED our volunteers, are THANKFUL for them, and LOVE them for their support of us. Our ministry at MLA depends on so many people. When the Bible speaks of a tree and its branches, or a body and its parts, each designed to do its part for the whole, the analogies definitely fit MLA. Whatever your role is in making our ministry successful, we thank you for your time, interest, caring, and love for our children.


Come By and Visit!

We are located at the corner of 72nd Street and Overland Drive in the Northland.

To schedule your tour, call Lisa Martens at 816-734-1060 ext 224.

7112 N Overland Drive


Upcoming at Martin Luther Academy

Upcoming at Martin Luther Academy

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