16 May

This being my last Principal’s Pennings for MLA, I must thank everyone for such a wonderful “retirement” experience. I don’t know how many times you sit back and reflect on the many blessings you have at MLA, but they are too numerous to mention. What a wonderful faculty we have. You probably have no idea how many “extras” they do behind the scene, making sure the educational experience your child has is to the best of our ability. Thank them often. They deserve it!

I have been so blessed to be able to work with all of you at MLA. It will be hard to leave, as I’ve made so many new friends. And the kids! They are all so very special to me. But now it is time to turn over the baton to Mr. Dixon. He will be arriving late June and is so excited to begin his school ministry at MLA. I have met both Mr. and Mrs. Dixon and their twin five year olds. They are so ready to be an integral part of the MLA family!

Best wishes and prayers for continued blessings for all of you: the faculty, students, parents, staff, volunteers, association churches and pastors, and the Dixons, as MLA continues to teach excellent academics and the love of Jesus to all who are entrusted to our care!


Just a few “other” things to mention.

1.   The last day of school schedule is posted elsewhere in Eagle’s Cry.

2. The approved calendar for next year will be published tomorrow.

3. The Martens children will be “PRINCIPAL FOR THE DAY” next   Monday, May 22, per the purchase at the auction. As such, they have hereby proclaimed that:


Come By and Visit!

We are located at the corner of 72nd Street and Overland Drive in the Northland.

To schedule your tour, call Lisa Martens at 816-734-1060 ext 224.

7112 N Overland Drive


Upcoming at Martin Luther Academy

Upcoming at Martin Luther Academy

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