Principal's Pennings

By Mrs. Ann Arndt

28 February

I grew up on a farm, so I understood this commercial well.   It was a commercial for medicine for baby pigs. As the farmer held up the piglet, he said, “A baby pig’s life is like a three legged stool…………all he has is you, his mammy, and Terramyacin!” I think a child’s life is also like a three legged stool…….all he has is you (the Christian home), his church, and his school. Each one provides an essential part of the child’s growth and development. Focusing on the Christian home, we see that Christian homes provide such necessities as:

Security based on God’s love. One can have peace only when he/she realizes that God is in charge. That’s actually a relief! Not everything depends on us as parents. You know how much you love your children. God is able to love them even more! Wow! That’s security!

The Christian home provides moral values, the proper guide for right and wrong. We as a school support you in the teaching of values through the Bible and Ten Commandments.

Something is very different around MLA right now. Here’s what I see:

  1. People arriving in the mornings are not only bringing their children, but also boxes of intriguing items. Items that have been made or purchased for the auction.
  2. There are more people spending the day at MLA, namely the auction committee.
  3. Their hustle and bustle is obvious to all as they carry items to the basement for storage until Mar. 3.
  4. Someone is more often using the computer lab in preparation for…………you guessed it, THE AUCTION.
  5. Visitors arrive after school to work on a class project, again, for…….THE AUCTION

You’ve heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well, it also takes a village to put on an auction! Key words to a successful auction might be………procurement, organization, publicity, food, VOLUNTEERISM, bidding, silent auction, donations, planning, computers, services, teacher

Tomorrow we are having a volunteer breakfast to honor all of the volunteers that help make MLA the success story that it is. God blesses us with our wonderful teachers, but the teachers cannot do it all. There simply isn’t enough time in the day for our teachers to provide the many extras for our children, and they depend heavily on good, solid Christian volunteers to fill in that gap, to make sure the education provided at MLA is well rounded, giving as many opportunities for the children as we can. For example, where would we be without:

How is your prayer life? I must admit mine gets better when life is more challenging. In my prayers I ask, ask, and ask. Far too often I forget to be thankful, or at least tell God I’m thankful. That made me think of things for which I often am not thankful, but when thinking about it, become thankful. For instance:


…the teenager who is not doing dishes but is watching TV, BECAUSE that means he/she is at home and not on the streets.

…the taxes I pay BECAUSE it means I am employed.

…the mess to clean up after a party BECAUSE it means I have been surrounded by friends.

…the clothes that fit a little snug BECAUSE it means I have enough to eat.

…my shadow that watches me work BECAUSE it means I am in the sunshine.

…the lawn that needs to be mowed and the gutters that need to be fixed BECAUSE that means I have a home.

…the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot BECAUSE it means I am capable of walking and that I have a car.

…my huge heating bill BECAUSE it means I am warm.

January 24, 2017


Children attending our Lutheran schools are no different than those growing up in other schools, EXCEPT that the students in Lutheran schools are growing up together in Christ as they hear every day in their classrooms. Schools everywhere have children who cry, laugh, play, work, learn to cooperate, share, learn how to be organized, learn about differences, tolerate, fogive, act out, manipulate, and study. But in our Lutheran schools they do this learning and growing up in an atmosphere where Christ can be viewed as the center of all.

Lutheran schools are not private schools in that they are open to everyone! Jesus welcomes all to come to him. We welcome all into our Lutheran schools as part of the family of Christ. The longer children have in Lutheran schools, the longer we have to prepare their minds and hearts for eternal life.

Come By and Visit!

We are located at the corner of 72nd Street and Overland Drive in the Northland.

To schedule your tour, call Lisa Martens at 816-734-1060 ext 224.

7112 N Overland Drive


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